Sunday, August 5, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Nate (Juliet’s  friend):  Doesn’t thunder sound like Voldemort talking?

Juliet: I wish everything in the world was beautiful. I wish everything in the world was pink.

Juliet (looking through a picture book of the ABC’s): I is for Ice Cream, J is is Jelly bean, L is for Tiger

Juliet: soooo what do you want to talk about?
Me: I don’t know,  what would you like to talk about?
Juliet: hmmmm what about poop coming out of our bodies?
Me: How about rainbows?
Juliet: OK!

Nate: Imagine if rain had feet
Me: So when it fell to the ground would it walk away?
Nate: yep!
Me: Where would it go?
Nate: Africa.

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