While I begin this new journey it's hard not to reflect on the old adventures of these past two years. I remember how only one year ago when I returned from the Peace Corps it felt like my life was over. I had worked so hard for one thing for so long that it seemed impossible to begin again. However on reflecting on my experience in Grenada it hard to ignore how much easier being here in Israel is. While I was in Grenada I continuously found myself questioning why I was there and questioning whether it had been the right choice for me. However being here with this group I finally feel that I'm in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. And so maybe the end was really just the beginning.
I have been in Israel for just over three weeks now. I have completed the first section of our orientation and am now enjoying the holiday with my host family. Overall I was very impressed with our orientation. Our training was divided into three parts in which we stayed at different ecological farms in Israel. Each location was practicing sustainable living techniques and doing everything they can to reuse, reduce and recycle their waste. It was a great introduction to how we will be living in Nepal.
This past month has also been spent getting to know my fellow volunteers. The group is comprised of three Israeli’s, two European’s, and five America’s. I am extremely impressed by all the people selected to be apart of this team. It is humbling to be apart of such a diverse, experienced, and intelligent group; with each person having a unique story to tell. I feel that this group has the passion and motivation to be successful this upcoming year and I am excited to be going on this adventure with them.
During my last week in Israel I will be spending time with the friends and family I made while living here two years ago. Everyone has been so welcoming and hospitable. I feel blessed to have met such wonderful people through my travels. If I can say one this about these last two years I can say that I have made family all over the world, whether its Yavett in Grenada, or Karin and Shaul in Israel I know I always have a place to go.
With only four more days until I leave for Nepal I plan to spend this week relaxing, enjoying the holiday, and relishing in the fact that I still have internet, electricity, running water, and most importantly and toilet paper.
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