2004 2014 |
We met in Kathmandu where we began the journey east to the
district of Ramachamp. Having done the trip several times at this point I knew
what to expect, so when the bus made it’s descent into the river to cross to
the other side I had no reaction. However when I looked to my right I could
see Gabes face and knew exactly what he was thinking, “we are about to
die”. I knew this because it was what I was thinking when I did it for the
first time. When we finally arrived in the village I observed Gabe’s amazement
of where I live and my new life here.

After Gabe
and I worked our plan B for Lunch it was time to meet the kids for our
activity. This was the third meeting we have had with youth and each week more
children come. The first time we had attempted to gather the youth only 17 kids
came, so when 35 arrived to this meeting it was really exciting! At this point
in forming the group we have been playing different games with them in order to
get them to be excited about the youth group and tell their friends, from here
we will then divide them into smaller groups that will then meet each week to a
variety of things beyond playing games. However this week we were still in the
game phase and happened to plan a game that I learned at camp with Gabe. The
game is called “Indian Chief” or rather “Nepali Chief” for all intense and
purposes. It was really wonderful having
Gabe participate and watch him interact with all the youth. Over all it was an
awesome activity and everyone really enjoyed themselves.
On Gabes
Second Day I brought him up to the other village where the other volunteers
live, which is an hour walk away. I
wanted to give him an opportunity to meet some of the other people in my group
and also see how different the villages are. We spent the day sitting outside,
playing the guitar, and enjoying the beautiful day.
On Gabe’s
final day here I went with him back down to the bottom of the mountain to see
him off. Distracted by conversation I wasn’t playing attention to the scenery
however for Gabe it was the opposite. Not listening to what I was saying he was
distracted by the scenery. When all of a
sudden Gabe said “Cara, don’t get stuck in a routine here that you forget to
look around and remember where you are. You will be home before you know it and
never have an experience like this again so don’t forget to appreciate it.”
These were truly amazing words that I will keep with me for the rest of my time
here. It was very special to have the
opportunity to see my life through his eyes and be given the opportunity to
reevaluate my time here. I’ve been
living in the village for 2 months now and it is easy to fall into a routine
and to forget that only so many people will experience what I am this
year. Having Gabe here was a great way
to remind me to live each day as it comes, live in the moment, and not take
this experience for granted.
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