The Things I Miss the
I’m realizing that the things I miss the most are 1st
world creations that save time. For example
- Dish Washer
- Laundry Machine
- Running Water
The main source of food in Nepal is rice. What I didn’t know
before coming here is how many forms of rice there are: puffed rice, beaten
rice, regular rice. All of these forms of rice allow one to eat rice for three
meals a day with the illusion that you are eating a variety. I eat so much
rice, I am in fact becoming rice. So if
you hadn’t picked up on the point of this little tangent, the second thing I
miss most is food. I miss food so much I dream of it. Food I most often crave
- Fresh Fruit
- Fresh RAW vegetables. (everything we eat is cooked. All I want is a large chopped salad!)
- Cheese
- Bread
- Cheese with bread
- Brownies
- Cookies
- Chocolate of any kind
- Fresh Juice
- Any kind of premade snacks
And lastly I miss things of comfort and convenience
- Drinkable Filtered Water
- A bed with a mattress
- Hot shower with water pressure
- Grocery store
- Target (aka one place where you can buy everything you need)
- Movie Theaters
- Reliable and fast running internet
But then I remember that I’m living on top of a mountain in
the middle of Nepal, surrounded by picturesque scenery playing with kids a few
hours a day. And I remind myself that in
only a few short months I will be back in the world of restaurants and movie
theaters and this experience will be gone, like a dream that you try to
remember when you wake up.
Don’t get me wrong, as soon as I get to Kathmandu I
immediately start bingeing on pizza and brownies and I’m begging my parents and
friends to send care-packages full of dried fruit and chocolate (wink wink).
But I think one of the best things this experience has given me is the
awareness that I don’t need any of it. That while I enjoy the comforts and
conveniences, that’s all they are! They are not necessities and I can live with
out them.
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